hiCivil Courses ::::: Transportation Systems

Photo of East Japan Railway Company Shinkansen train arriving at platform.
An East Japan Railway Company Shinkansen high speed train photographed by the instructor. (Photo by Prof. Joseph Sussman.)


This course includes online access to an expanded set of more than 500 lecture slides in PDF format, based on the instructor's book Introduction to Transportation Systems. These slides are designed specifically to facilitate teaching by instructors other than the author.

Approaching transportation as a complex, large-scale, integrated, open system (CLIOS), this course strives to be an interdisciplinary systems subject in the "open" sense. It introduces qualitative modeling ideas and various techniques and philosophies of modeling complex transportation enterprises. It also introduces conceptual frameworks for qualitative analysis, such as frameworks for regional strategic planning, institutional change analysis, and new technology development and deployment.


This subject introduces transportation as a large-scale, integrated system that interacts directly with the social, political, and economic aspects of contemporary society. Fundamental elements and issues shaping traveler and freight transportation systems. Underlying principles governing transportation planning, investment, operations, and maintenance. System performance and level-of-service metrics and the determinants of transportation travel demand. Design of transportation services and facilities for various modes and intermodal operations.


Assignments performed by students for submission have a dual purpose. They are intended as educational devices, including the teaching of skills such as working in teams. They are also evaluation tools for the faculty in judging the quality of performance of individual students. Our policies are intended to balance these two purposes and, unless otherwise stated, these policies apply to all assignments.

Students currently taking this class can work together to conceptualize general approaches to assignments. However, unless otherwise specified for a particular assignment, the work you submit should be done completely on your own. This includes text, numerical calculations, mathematical derivations, diagrams, graphs, computer programs, and output.

Reference any written source you use in your submission, including Web sites.

It is inappropriate to use assignments submitted in previous years as a source.

Assignment 1 (PDF)
Assignment 2-Intro (PDF)
Assignment 2A (PDF)
Assignment 2B (PDF)
Assignment 3 (PDF)

The following assignments from earlier years are made available for further study and practice:

Assignment 3, Fall 2000 (PDF)
Assignment 3, Fall 2001 (PDF)


  1. Open-book and open-notes, calculators are fine--no laptops.
  2. Please read the entire exam before starting to work. Try to plan your time!


Transportation Systems Final Exam (PDF)

For further study and reference, the final exam from Fall 2001 is provided as well: (PDF)


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